The heart of the Earth Mother beats for you. She drums patiently and steadily as she awaits your return into her womb for healing remembrance. In the sacred healing sweat, dive deep into prayer upon the altar of the Earth Mother as she supports and safely holds you in purification and re-connection. Join us for Sweat Lodges, Fire Ceremonies and Retreats and remember how to pray. Connect to the elements, the four directions, the record keepers, the trees, and come into communion with the master teacher of the Fire. Learn how to build the lodge in sacred community as we humbly weave our hearts together with all sentient beings, ancestors and all of our relations.
Mountain Medicine
Visit the Rhythm page for more information about our Mountain Medicine program.
- Sacred Living Lodge: Supported monthly independent and group sweat lodges & fire ceremonies year-round, including supervised build of personal Sacred Living Lodge on your property (or alternate location) and training in private / individual sweat lodge work (for Mountain Medicine students). This is excellent preparation for the 300 Hour YTT Vision Quest which will be held in summer 2021.
- Mountain Climbing: Monthly, year-round group and individual hiking with integration of earth-based teachings (for Mountain Medicine students). Gear lists and training provided for more technical seasonal hiking. Ice and rock climbing instruction not included. Christina is WFA (Wilderness First Aid) and CPR certified through SOLO.